Yesterday was an interesting day. It started out with a visit to a lovely home in Orange County.
I'm getting ahead of myself here, let me give you some background. I work with banks listing REO properties. Yesterday I had been out to check on a few properties that are about to go into foreclosure. The first home was the lovely home in Orange County. I went up to the door and sadly I met the tenant and got to be the one to deliver the bad news that the home he had recently leased was going into foreclosure. Each time I do this it's an adventure. Unfortunately, this time I was the bearer of bad news. Most of the time when I do this no one is home. After the sweet gentleman got over the initial shock we talked about how he could purchase the property. This one may might have a sweet ending.
Then I headed east....all the way to San Bernardino, with much trepidation of my husband, who strictly instructed me not to go alone, call him before I got out of the car and to call him again when I left the house. To say it nicely, this wasn't a great area. When I got out of my car I asked 2 men if they were the owner of the blue house. The homeless man, yes you read that right, asked me if I meant the blue abandoned bus and told me someone lived in the bus...No, I mean the house I thought. Then I went up to the door. Thank God no one answered. I was praying not to be greeted my someone with something long and metal. I left my card and a note asking them to call me. After I drove away I got to wondering if they even had a phone. I called my husband of course and let him know I was still alive. Then I called my guy at the bank and when he answered the phone he asked if I had gotten out of there alive. As you can guess I told him I'd pass on that listing. No one ever said being in real estate was boring.
On a more professional note, the feds lowered the interest rates yesterday a quarter of a point. Here is a great article on how the rate cut may effect consumers.
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