Thursday, November 29, 2007

Do you REALLY want to sell your home?

I was looking at the market numbers this morning. Everyday I watch how many new listings come on the market, how many went pending, how many sold and how many reduced their prices. But I'm confused...the market prices are going down and then I see a price increase! My question is What are these people thinking?????!!!!!! The market is in a downward trajectory. Prices going up is so 5 years ago. The real reason in my opinion is they don't really want to sell their home. It's as simple as that. Speaking for me and every other REALTOR these people need to take their houses off the market. The market is flooded with people that have their houses overpriced and know they won't get an offer much less have any showings on it. I feel bad for the REALTOR that has it listed...for about a minute....then I wonder why don't they just cancel the listing with their client. If all the REALTORS in town cancelled all the overpriced listings with their non motivated clients there would be a lot less competition on the market for those clients that truly are motivated sellers.

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